Lolita's cab was headed toward Rosalyn's Bed and Breakfast Suites,Chris had sent the cab to her apartment building and told him to rush straight there.Watching the lights go bye she swallowed hard, then closed her eyes and thought,"This will be the last time,just make your tips and leave,don't have sex,your just here for the party.Be smart." "So you going to a party?"The driver asked slipping his cigarette through the window and looking in the rear view mirror at her. "Yeah."she answered trying to keep her focus outside. "Got to be careful late at night, its not safe. The man who called for your cab sounded very rushed. Was he your boyfriend?" He said with concern. "I really don't want to talk, i have alot on my mind right now." She said firmly. "Sorry, its just i got a daughter about your age.I just want you to be safe." he said turning up the radio so there was no air space for small talk. Lolita shook her head and thought,"Nice old man.If he only knew what I was walking into."
The cab pulled up to the great Victorian house that made Rosalyn's Bed and Breakfast. Lolita took a deep breath opened the door to the cab and said,"How much?" Looking back at her he replied,"Chris paid for it.Listen,please be safe miss." Lolita smiled and nodded then exited the cab. As the cab left she watched as the lights faded into the darkness and the dust settled. "That was the last chance to leave,[shaking her head and looking back at the bed and breakfast]you can do this,just focus."she thought. As she began to walk towards the massive structure she began to feel a weight in her stomach grow heavier. Ascending the stairs she thought, "Ive got a bad feeling about this,I'm not going in." As she turned around a man called to her from inside the buildings entrance,"Hey are you Lolita?" Turning back toward the building. The man walked out into the light of the wrap around deck and said,"Thought so, why you leaving so quick sweetie? the party just started and we all have been waiting for you." Lolita looked away and remembered her previous thoughts but knew she couldn't turn back now that she was spotted. The man began to walk over,he was a muscular light skinned Hispanic man wearing a black ribbed tank top and black work pants with black steel toe boots. "Come on baby, I wont bite.Let me show you where the party is," he said putting out his hand. Lolita took his hand and smelled the whiskey on his breath,"Alright, smells like you guys started without me." The man smiled,"Don't worry we have plenty of drinks inside for you." Lolita gave a fake smile and let him lead her inside.
As she walked inside with the man he said,"Everyone, a gift from Chris is here!" Lolita smiled and spun around as all the men hooted and hollered.After they settled down Lolita asked him,"Hey,um- "Quinten"he replied. "Quinten,where are all the other girls?" Quinten smiled and said,"They should be on their way soon." Lolita smiled and took a seat at the bar and cased the room."1,2,3,...17,18,19....25,26,27...35,36,37...45,50. Holy shit, 50 men. I really hope those girls come here soon, Ive never done a party of 50 before,this is way too much. Fucking Chris, man. Why would he do this to me?" Taking a deep breath she began to give her seductive look to the best looking men in the room, then her sweet look to the older looking men. Each man looked back with want. Realizing that she couldn't work the room alone the weight in her stomach grew greater. A man walked over, about six foot with a million dollar smile and a big gold cross chain and said,"Hello, so I seen you looking at me from over there,whats your name honey?" She smiled,"Lolita." He replied,"Lolita,I like that.My name is Romeo,will you be my Juliet?" Lolita looked away trying to come off coy,but really she wanted to laugh at his weak line. Then Quinten walked over holding a blue iced drink and said,"Lolita,this is the drink of the night.It was Charlies favorite. We're about to do a toast to him so that we can start the party." Taking the drink she replied,"And what about the other girls?" Quinten ignored her and gathered everyone. "Alright guys, This one is for Charlie." They all raised their blue glasses up, then drank. Lolita didn't usually drink at these parties just so she could remain level headed,but she felt she had to drink for Charlie. She began to wonder if they knew she was the one to lead Charlie to his death. As she began to panic, she drank more and finished the whole glass. Everything became blurry, she tried to stand without success. All she could feel were hands grabbing her then someone said,"Take her upstairs,shes ready now." Looking from side to side she tried to see who said that,then complete and total darkness....
She began to walk through the darkness of her mind and came to a museum.It must have been over twelve stories high with big glass windows surrounding it. She tried to open the main door and realized it was locked. Looking through the glass in the door she seen a painting and all the men she had seen in the party looking at it. Then she seen Quinten grab it off the wall and touch every part of the frame then handed it to another person who did the same.The painting went around the room then Quinten grabbed it again then said,"Who wants time alone with her first?" Two men grabbed the painting at once and began to fight over who could have it first. Quinten smiled then said,"Don't worry guys theres two sides." The two men laughed slyly then began to rub the painting with greed as the others looked on with want. As Quinten allowed the whole room to have a turn doing the same she herd one man say with care,"Don't worry Lolita i'll be gentle."Then another say,"I'm sorry.So fucking sorry, their forcing me."After the painting looked worn Quinten said,"Now Jamal come here its your turn with her." Jamal looked at Quinten and replied,"Come on man,shes been through enough." Quinten took out a gun from behind his back and said,"That's the only reason you came here Jamal so you could do this!" Quinten pressed the gun to Jamal's head and said,"Do it now or I'm going to end your life right now!" Jamal looked at him and began to cry,"Quin, Come on man.Do you really want to kill this girl? theres no coming back from what i have." Quinten cocked the gun. Jamal slowly touched the painting with tears streaming down his cheeks, as everyone looked on in shock. Then he spoke,"Lolita please,wake up.I don't want to do this to you.Please,wake up." The glass of the museum began to crack slowly, Lolita began to bang on the glass and it shattered around her. Running toward the men and the painting she screamed. All the men cleared the room except a shocked Quinten and Jamal.Jamal dropped the painting then left."If you tell anyone ill kill you myself!"Quinten said pointing the gun to her as he left. Finally she seen the painting, it was her....
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