As the sun began to stream through Analisette's apartment, she awoke with squinted eyes and a stomach ache. She was still in her heels and dress from the other night. "How the hell did i get home last night,"she said undoing the straps on the heels and heading straight to the bathroom for a shower. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror her eyes widened, "I really hope no one seen me like this! How the fuck did my lipstick get on my forehead?!" She laughed at herself then rubbed the pink lipstick off her forehead.Still a little groggy she walked into the bathroom and began her shower...
Meanwhile at the end of the hallway in Adrines apartment he was in a deep sleep...
He walked slowly in the fog of his mind and suddenly his high school was before him. He began to walk up the stairs and opened the door then entered.The walls were he same as they always were, black lockers with white walls and every locker had a green lock hanging in the silver opening.He remembered how everyone who attended hated the colors then laughed to himself. He wanted to see if his History teacher was there so he could call him a self absorbed prick with no knowledge of history or anything for that matter.The hallway to his right would have brought him straight to his room.He began to walk in the direction of the room when yellow caution tape and a "DO NOT ENTER" sign blocked his path. "Damn it i was about to go in on him." Adrine said with disappointment and turned around and began to walk back the way he came. At the end of the hallway by the exit four guys stood cornering a student. Adrine moved with abnormal speed and listened in. "What do you think your doing?" the one closest to the girl said. "what do you think will happen? You'll be famous for art?! Are you stupid? you should just shut up and get with me,I'll take care of you,not that stupid poem or novel or even that drawing you made." She looked away with tears streaming down her face and tried to leave the abuse. The three guys pushed her back against the wall causing her to drop all her artwork on the floor. Adrine couldn't take it anymore and approached the guys, "Leave her alone." The four guys turned toward him all with red eyes gleaming, and at the same time said, "You don't even remember her!" Adrine knew then he would have to fight to save her. Everything was slow motion ever kick,punch,and elbow. Adrine kept repeating to himself,"I have to help her,I cant let her down,I'm her only hope,She needs me." Finally Adrine was on the floor helping this girl pick up her artwork. Shuffling papers and not looking into her eyes he asked,"Hey,are you alright?"She grasped his hands and placed one on each cheek he felt her face soaking with tears. He slowly looked up into her eyes and realized...This girl, was from his past,this girl was his neighbor, this girl was Analisette.
Adrine opened his eyes and smiled because he knew sooner or later Ms.Analisette was going to come over. After all, he was holding her keys hostage.
Analisette felt brand new after her shower and remembered she had an appointment with Rudolf the landlord at noon. She got dressed and looked in her purse for her keys. "Where did the hell did i put those... (she moved pillows on the couch and looked under it in case she had dropped it)...Keys Oh keys,where are you!..(she looked in the door in case she forgot to remove them)...Fuck! where are they?I'm going to be late!" Continuing her search for another ten minutes she noticed a note on her counter that read, "Analisette i helped you get home last night. i locked the door after myself, you can have your keys in the morning or afternoon, I'm the last apartment on the left. -Adrine" Analisettes eyes widened and she smiled brighter than the afternoon sun that engulfed the room. Then her smile changed to worry at the realization that she would have to go alone to his apartment and retrieve her keys. Gathering her wits she exited her apartment, and headed toward his. With each step she replayed a memory of him in her head, until finally she was in front of his door. She knocked, and listened to footsteps approaching the door. The knob turned before her and the door began to open...
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